To accept the nomination I must:
1. Link back to the blog that nominated me (check!)2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
3. Answer the questions posted for you by the nominator
4. Share 11 random facts about yourself
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees
6. Contact your nominees and let them know you nominated them
Well so far I have one thing checked off!
My nominees include:
1. Autumn from First Grade Teacher Lady
2. Kayla from Meet Miss Parker
3.Meagan from Buzz Around in Second Grade
4. Marcy from Saddle Up for 2nd Grade
5. Carol from Super Sparkly in Second
Answered Questions from my Nominator:
1. What is your favorite grade to teach?This fall I will be entering my third year of teaching and my third year teaching second grade. I student taught in first grade so I have a little bit of experience teaching in a different grade level. I would have to say second grade is by far my favorite! I love this age of students because they are still very loving of everything you do and think school is awesome! Yet, they are gaining independence and show a tremendous amount of growth throughout the year!
2. What is your favorite time of year and why?
This question is probably one of the easiest for me! Fall without a doubt! Living in Wisconsin we get to experience all four seasons to their fullest. Sometimes all in the same week! I enjoy my summers off, however I do not enjoy the hot and humid weather! I could not live somewhere where the average temperature is higher than the mid 80's. Seeing 80+ in the forecast makes me cringe. My ideal temperature would be about 65-70 degrees! Some may call me crazy but I love the fall weather! I love seeing the leaves change colors and the smell of hot apple cider!
3. What was your favorite trip you have ever taken?
I have taken a lot of trips! I feel very blessed for the experiences I had throughout my childhood. I was on a traveling synchronized skating team growing up and we traveled the nation! We also got the opportunity to travel to Milan, Italy and London, England! Nothing gets better than going on a vacation with 20 of your best friends doing something you love so much! I don't think I could choose between the two but they were definitely life changing experiences!
4. What was the last conference you attended?
Fortunately, I was able to go to the Sister's Daily 5/CAFE conference back in April with some of my colleagues. We began implementing the Daily 5 and CAFE when I first started and our administration was ever so nice to allow us to attend their conference! I highly recommend attending if they are in your area!
5. What was the last book you read?
I recently ordered two books off of Amazon that I had seen floating around the blog world and Instagram. So I have not finished either but I have two on my to-finish list before the end of the summer! The two books are "The Book Whisperer" and "Teach Like a Pirate".
6. How do you relax during the school year?
Wow! That's a good question. I'm not sure "relax" and "school year" go together much. However, it is important to find time to get away from the teaching world once and awhile. I have an adorable puppy named Murphy who creates plenty of fun and takes my mind off of the stress that comes with any school year. Also, I would have to say blogging! Reading about other peoples days and experiences is sort of relaxing and inspiring. It's what keeps me going some days!
7. How long have you been blogging?
I started my blogging journey at the end of March, so about four months!
8. Where did you go to college?
In Wisconsin, most colleges are named according to the city they are located. There are about 13 state colleges as well as other private colleges. So I'm assuming none of your unless you're from Wisconsin will recognize these schools. I started my freshman year off at the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse. I transferred my sophomore year to the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater where I graduated in 2010.
9. What's is your favorite product off of Teachers Pay Teachers?
Ok, this is THE hardest question to ask me! I won't even share how many products I have purchased off of TPT. So to pick just one would be impossible. However, some of my favorites include Deana from Primary Punch's Math Movers. There are a total of 10 different ones (I have them ALL!). I believe she is planning on creating a bundled version if you have not purchased any of them yet I HIGHLY recommend them.
Another favorite is, Sarah from First Grader at Last's Monthly Imagination Writing Prompts. She currently has January-May finished and is working on August-December! Great addition to any writing center!
My students loved Abby from The Inspired Apple's Candy Corn Bandit and Sweetheart Snatcher activities These are adorable and perfect around Halloween and Valentine's Day!
The list could go on and on and on. Maybe I'll do a post sometime about more of my favorites!
10. Do you use a Smart Board in your classroom?
Yes and no. I have an interactive board in my classroom but it is not a "Smart Board". I have a Mimio. I am one of two classrooms in my school that has one of these. A few years ago, someone thought these were the rage and bought two. They then changed their mind and realized Smart Boards were the way to go. I wouldn't at all be sad if they got rid of my Mimio. It works but isn't as efficient as I would like. It runs off batteries that in my case run out all.the.time!
11 Random Facts about Me
1. I am an only child, but often told that I show no signs of the "typical" only children. (I guess that's a good thing!)
2. My biggest fear is needles! Even hearing the word shoot or blood freaks me out! I have a very low pain tolerance and bruise like a peach!
3. I used to HATE country until I went to Country USA and now I can't get enough!
4. I refuse to have a soda before 10:00 a.m. I am a fan of Diet Mountain Dew but if I am craving one, I make myself wait until after 10:00.
5. I was a part of Team USA in synchronized skating. It's not an Olympic sport yet but was able to compete internationally!
6. I graduated Magna Cum Laude and was president of Kappa Delta Pi, an International Honors Society in Education.
7. I enjoy laminating and cutting out laminating. I am kind of picky and don't let many others do it for me.
8. Lately I have an obsession for anything chevron. It's very hard to pass up anything I see with a chevron print!
9. I talk to my dog like he's a baby in cute little voices that probably drive him crazy!
10. I prefer to not wear shoes! After my students leave I usually take my shoes off while I work in my classroom. Sometimes I walk through the school without shoes on and students that are still around in after-school study hall question why I am not wearing shoes.
11. One of my favorite dance songs is the Cupid Shuffle! I will be the first one to start dancing when that song comes on. I even try to do the dance in the car!
My Questions for my Nominees
1. How long have you been teaching for?
2. If you could trade places with any famous person for the day, who would it be and why?
3. What's your favorite time of the school year?
4. What are some of your favorite blogs?
5. What is your all time favorite store to shop at?
6. If you could only watch one T.V. show for the rest of your life, what would it be?
7. What is your favorite subject to teach and why?
8. What is your greatest accomplishment?
9. What is your favorite form of social media? (Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter)
10. What is your favorite organizational tool to help you stay organized through a busy school year?
11. What is the reason you decide to become a teacher?
Whew! I think I made it! I had a lot of fun posting and share some information about myself. I hope you enjoyed reading! Good night and I'm hoping for another post tomorrow. Two days in a row?!? Call me crazy!

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