Listening: For Easter, my adorable teddy bear puppy (whose first birthday is quickly approaching) got TWO Easter baskets filled with all kinds of goodies! One of his favorites is a squeaky caterpillar!
Loving: I definitely enjoyed having Friday and Monday off to enjoy some time with my family and catching up on some cleaning around the apartment!
Thinking: Unfortunately my school district does not have the luxury of a real spring break. They actually call it a Spring Recess. We only have off Friday and Monday, so it's really only an extended weekend. I guess I'll take what I can get!
Wanting: On Monday, we got the call that our offer was accepted on our dream first home! We went from meeting with a lender, to house hunting, to putting in an offer within three days! We were a little scared and unsure of the whole process but couldn't be more excited to have a yard as well as so many other things!
Needing: Thursday afternoon we had time to work on third quarter report cards. However, most of my time was spent in different meetings and cleaning. Therefore, I still have to find some time to finish them up before they are due!
Advice: This is advice that I even need to listen to! I think too often we try so hard to be perfect and set such high standards for ourselves!
I know I didn't quite get around to my post that I had promised but the house thing has kind of consumed our thoughts this past week! I promise to post sometime this week with a little more about myself! I am rather proud that I was able to manage this Currently as my second post!